
Whether you have an idea or no idea, Short Script Gods will deliver you with a script so tight and sound, nothing will stop you from shooting your film and showing off your directing brilliance.

Choose from our menu of mortal conditions:


“I dunno what I want to make… But I know I can direct one hell of a movie!”

SSG: Discussions with the Gods will reveal what inspires you, what you want to say. The Gods will transform this into screenplay form. This screenplay is your blueprint to demonstrate what you always knew you could do… direct one hell of a movie!

Price: $300


“I have an idea… but I don’t want to write.”

SSG: No problem. We’ll squeeze your vision like a lemon, creating nectar of the Gods in screenplay form.

Price $300


“I have a script. But it’s missing something…”

SSG: The Gods will rewrite your script to transcendence, or provide you with a beat sheet so YOU can!

Price $200

Short on funds? Don’t despair, the Short Script Gods have not forsaken you. Prices are negotiable based on the situation.

Contact The Gods and we can hammer out an arrangement.

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