COMING SOON??? Cap’n Crunch Biopic

The Muses visit Hollywood in the form of many incarnations: TV series, books, toys, video games, and board games. Let’s face it. Every story has been done. Who needs originality when the products we know and love make excellent premises for films. It’s just smart business. 

What’s next? Can you anticipate the trends? Is this a product-turned-movie and will it be coming to a theater near you?


A biopic based on Cap’n Crunch, né Horatio Magellan Crunch, may be coming down the pipes.
Spring-boarding off of the success of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise, Hollywood is circling around the famed breakfast cereal mascot. “Explains one executive, “Cap’n Crunch is a much beloved icon of American breakfast tables, nooks, and bars. It is the studio’s conviction that there is a place for this hallowed personage in cinema as well, joining the ranks of other swashbucklers Captain Hook and Captain Jack Sparrow.”
captain-crunch Captain_Sparrow_Depp
Many insist the endearing and delicious breakfast cereal mascot has “star vehicle” all over it. Rumor has it, the film is in pre-production, with Johnny Depp playing the King of Crunch. Fans of “Pirates” hope Depp will implement his rock-star interpretation of Sparrow to Mr. Crunch. 


What do you think? Is Cap’n Crunch the next star vehicle for Depp? Do you see a “Dead Man’s Bowl” or “Curse of the Yellow Kernel” coming soon???

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